
"Imprimatur" follows the story of a never-ending pursuit that may never result in true satisfaction or fulfillment. The sculpture measures 63 inches and is made from pool noodles covered in plaster, intertwining and building upon each twist and knot. The sculpture is painted navy blue with drips of hot pink wax covering the top portion, while a yellow ball hovers above it. The intertwining and building up of the pool noodles explore the pursuit of validation, as individuals often strive to prove themselves to others, and the emotional and mental toll of this pursuit. The navy blue color is a visual representation of longing that can accompany the pursuit of validation, while the hot pink drips could represent the superficial and fleeting nature of external validation. The hovering yellow ball could reflect the ultimate goal of validation that is constantly just out of reach, as individuals may never feel truly validated no matter how much they achieve or how much external validation they receive. The idea is that validation is a moving target, as the criteria for what is considered "successful" or "validated" can change over time or vary from person to person.

2023 // pool noodles, plaster, paper towels, paint, crayon wax, soccer ball, duct tape // 48” x 63” x 48”




Misc. Projects